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Easter will be different for each of us based on where we are in our lives, for some it’s filled with laughter and joy, planning and plotting while for others sadness and tears. We could say we have the experience of last year, therefore we know what to expect yet truthfully for those who had to cancel a wedding or tell loved ones only 10 can come to the funeral and find themselves still in lockdown restrictions this Easter is yet again different... Without sounding like a broken record here about lockdown and restrictions, similar to last year Easter will once be void of some of our traditions from Easters past. And for some, this brings with it a mourning, a longing for the familiar and this is a very normal feeling, you are not alone.

Each of us will have our own thoughts on Easter this year: Easter approaches and thoughts turn to brighter days, friends gathering, the sounds of laughter and chatter of those you hold dear fill your ears. And I say embrace it, enjoy it and have fun together for these are the ingredients of memories.

Maybe plans afoot for weddings whatever their size it doesn’t matter, because you and your love will celebrant your day... Naming ceremonies to welcome your new babe, plans of staycations and the chance to walk the beach fill your heart. Make the plans, let your heart be filled with wonder, joy and endless possibilities. For others, Easter may be a time of missing loved ones who once again cannot travel home for this festive weekend due to restrictions nor you to them, be they abroad or in Our own country and all you want is to see their face, and hug them till they beg you to let go! Call them, FaceTime, zoom them, see their smiles, pour a cuppa and talk for hours of nothing of importance other than the importance of hearing the sound of their voices and letting them know how deeply you love them.

Or maybe it’s your first Easter without your loved one and the thoughts of how you celebrated together, eating chocolate until you felt you would burst, or that time you hid the Easter eggs and... and now it’s different, it’s new and not a new you have a road map for. Be gentle with your heart, be as you need, stop, or move, speak or be silent, allow your heart to recall the memories which may bring tears and smiles as you recall the love shared and the memories made. For these in truth are the gifts of the heart for us all. To everyone wherever you are, I hold you in my heart, sending love and peace your way always not only for Easter, for every day.

With love and Understanding, Always

Sue Anne O’Donnell


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