One Small Action to say "I Love you", "I'm here", "I miss you".
I imagine currently we all know someone who is having to be an almost prisoner in their own home, some afraid to go out, living in constant fear and doing all they can to be healthy at this time. How lonely this can be for them and we can’t go hug them to reassure them. We have this past year had the experience of changes to funerals, not being able to be physically there to support our family and friends in the ways that are natural and traditional. So much feels awkward. We can’t call to visit, we can’t hug, the reality is, this is hard for us and for them.
What can we do?
We can reach out, we can make a phone call, we can write to them, we can facetime, we can become creative in the ways we connect. We can remind them we love them and that we are here for them, they are not forgotten, we can hear their voice. Imagine the joy of receiving a letter, of opening a message on the phone and there is your photo with a big smile, or your voice recorded with a message, as simple as asking;
‘How are you today, or
I thought of you and just wanted to say hi’
I wanted to let you know I am here for you at the other end of the phone,
I’m sorry you lost your job.
It must be difficult with your business closed,
Could I share a few posts on social media to help keep your business visible?
I know you understand we couldn’t go to the funeral, and I simply wanted to check in with you,
I wish I could have been with you to hug you,
We lit a candle,
We think of you daily,
We can imagine how hard it was not to be able to hold an anniversary ceremony,
We are holding you in our heart.
I can only imagine the challenge of home schooling while also working from home.
Maybe I could to the shopping for you and drop to your door
No matter what, no matter how strange it is, or how it may feel awkward, I ask us all to reach out, to let others know we treasure them, we understand. In doing so I believe we remind them and ourselves, that when that day we hear- hugging is allowed, we will be there with the biggest hug, we are sharing a belief that ‘this too shall pass and like the seasons of nature, life will once again ebb and flow in old familiar ways’ One of my friends sends me a joke a day the kind she knows appeals to my sense of humour. It is her way to reach out and say hello and it truly brightens my day.
We don’t have to talk, yet we in our shared banter over and back we really are saying I love you, How are you? It is the small things that are the biggest gifts. What will you do today to reach out to those you love? Imagine the difference you will make in their lives with your one action.
Love and understanding, Always.
Sue Anne O'Donnell